


Tuesday – reCentre Therapy Rooms, Balham, SW17 7AW – 5:15pm to 9pm
FridayreCentre Therapy Rooms, SW17 7AW – afternoons, contact us for availability

Monday – Cupar Road, Battersea, SW11 4JW – 10am to 8pm
Thursday – Cupar Road, Battersea, SW11 4JW – 10am to 8pm

Coronavirus COVID-19 Government Guidelines for close contact therapists, such as myself, means that to protect both of us face coverings should be worn at all times, social distancing, hand sanitising, anti-bacterial clean-downs and room ventilation takes place in between each client session, so as to limit any cross contamination.

I am now able to offer home visits. Please contact me for details.


Prices may vary according to the clinics and start from:

Reflexology (1 hour)  £70

Hypnotherapy, life coaching, NLP and EFT  (1 hour) £90

HypnoBirthing  (3  x 2-hour sessions) £350

I offer a discount to those paying in advance for packages. I accept both cash and credit card. Please give more than 24 hours’ notice if you can’t make an appointment to avoid being charged the full rate.

Hypnobirthing is a complete package that comprises of three two hour sessions from 30 weeks for both Mum-to-be and her birth partner.  These weekly sessions will usually take place in my clinic or the privacy of your own home. The package includes MP3 downloads or CDs.

The code of ethics of the British Institute of Hypnotherapy and the Association of Reflexologists apply.